Who, What, and Why? The Keys to Your Personal Mission Statement

In this Two-Minute Leadership Video, I discuss how to start developing a Personal Mission Statement. It is a way to make a concise expression of who you are and what you represent.

If you can be clear about what you expect from yourself, you can be better at explaining what you expect from others, and in turn, become a better leader.

Building a Personal Mission Statement begins with three elements: Who, What and Why.

developing a personal mission statement with 'who what why'This video will help you get started, by explaining how to incorporate those three elements.

Who, What and Why. These three components are actually three simple questions that need to be answered when creating a Personal Mission Statement: Who you are; What do you do; Why do you do it?

As I mentioned in the video, here is a worksheet that brings in those three components so you can use them as a template to start developing a Personal Mission Statement. If you have other team leaders, consider passing this worksheet on to them as well.

If you’d like some additional context, please see my previous blog post, where I further explored the rationale for creating a Personal Mission Statement.

This is just the beginning: developing a Personal Mission Statement is part of creating an overall Personal Leadership Philosophy. That’s something I plan to cover in future blog posts. Until then, feel free to see other past entries in this continuing series of Two-Minute Leadership video blogs.

If you’d like to go beyond that, and dive even further into building a work culture of overall excellence, you can check out my book “We’re All In”get the first chapter for free here.

Enjoy the journey!


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