Integrity Takes Courage

Integrity takes courage and it is totally transparent. When you see and hear it, you know it. At a recent session at the Simon Business School of the University of Rochester in Rochester, NY, integrity was examined in the context of growing high performing cultures. The graduate level students were passionate about the subject. Integrity … Read more

Giving Up the Keys

Just like parents watching one of our kids drive out of the driveway on that first date, we have to confront our fears and overcome them through trust. It takes courage to allow others to take the reins and make decisions, because they might fail. Something bad might happen. At the very least, the organization might underperform, and you could lose market share in the short run. But where would we be now had our parents not given us the keys for that first date?

Opportunity is Calling – Answer or Let it go to Voicemail?

The holiday season invariably leads to all kinds of resolutions for the coming year: lead a healthier lifestyle, go to church more often, spend money more wisely, lose weight and get in better shape, be a better parent, listen more to your partner/spouse, take some golf lessons, call Mom more often, etc., etc. If you’re like most of us, these resolutions decay as the New Year moves on, and after a couple of months we don’t even remember what we resolved to do. No surprise, then, that the resolutions never happen. For this New Year, we recommend taking a new approach.

Have you created a “bias for action”?

How does your organization communicate your direction, your azimuth? How do you set your teammates up for success?  How do you set the conditions to encourage initiative?  How do your team members respond to the question, “In my company, is it better to ask forgiveness or permission”? Do you create a “bias for action” in … Read more

Developing Level Five Leaders

A great book to appreciate the definition of a Level Five leader is Jim Collins’ “Good to Great”.  According to Jim Collins, a Level Five leader “builds enduring greatness through a paradoxical blend of personal humility and professional will”.  Chapter 2 of “Good to Great” describes in plain language the traits and characteristics of a … Read more

Team Anywhere

I was pleased to be a guest on “Team Anywhere,” a podcast that discusses team building, remote/hybrid leadership, and strategies for strengthening team relationships. The podcast is produced by the Simon Leadership Alliance, a leadership consultancy that focuses on digital and remote work. Here are some leadership concepts we discussed: Coping Vs Adapting Coping is … Read more