What’s Happening to Us? | Part 3: What Does Work-Life Balance Mean Now?

This is the latest entry in a series of blogs based off the latest Level Five Associates book, The Power of Being All In.

What Does Work-Life Balance Mean Now?

The events of the past few years have transformed our workforce and our workplaces.  As described in The Power of Being All In, our workforce now sees itself far differently than it did only a few short years ago.

Miguel Valasquez, CEO of the Rochester Genesee Transit Authority, summarized the emerging change in perspective this way:

There seems to be a fundamental shift in how employees think of themselves when it comes to employment.  I think it is a result of several things:

  • Supply and Demand: [Because of this imbalance] People are more willing to jump from one job to the next.
  • Flat World and Transportation: As a society, it is much easier to move around, commute long distances to work, or even relocate.
  • Work-Life Balance: In recent years, work-life balance has taken on new meaning and a new level of importance.
  • Expectations: There is a higher level of expectation about what employers should provide and it keeps growing.

One possible step to address these workforce issues can be seen in the campaign to reduce the time workers are working.  According to a March 2024 article from ABC News, the evolution of the 4-day work week is becoming more and more prevalent in companies. Employers are seeking solutions to the changing landscape of what attracts – and retains – talent. What Does Work-Life Balance Mean Now?

The article reports on the results of a study on companies implementing a shortened work week. It revealed some interesting trends:

  • 82% of surveyed companies reported positive impacts on staff well-being
  • 50% saw positive effects on reducing staff turnover
  • 32% said the policy had noticeably improved their recruitment [1]

As leaders in this climate, I would describe this as a workforce revolution; we must become far more adaptive than ever before.  The change in the workweek is but one of many steps we have to seriously consider, if not actively embrace, to lead effectively in the world we’re in.

In the next blog in this series on The Power of Being All In, the plan is to examine what the workplace is becoming in a scope broader than just how many hours we are at work.  We’ll look at where we are working and how we are doing work from just about anywhere… the key is how we thrive doing it.

Enjoy the journey!

This blog post is based on the book, “The Power of Being All In.” You can download the first chapter for free at this link. Or, if you’d like to purchase the entire book (available in paperback, eBook, and audiobook), it is available on Amazon.

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[1] as quoted in the article “Does a 4-day Workweek Work? Companies Share Results After 1 Year,” by Leah Sarnoff, published on ABC News; March 1, 2024.