The Balance Beam

I’ve always admired the gymnasts who could master the balance beam, because they seem so agile, conducting complex movements on a 4-inch wide strip of wood (to be precise, Wikipedia says the actual width is 3.9”).  These athletes display remarkable grace and calm in the midst of what must be intense pressure to achieve perfection … Read more

Finding the Leadership Balance

I had the privilege of returning to West Point this week to serve as a senior advisor with the Thayer Leader Development Group. Every time I return to my alma mater, I’m struck by the living embodiment of Duty, Honor, and Country that West Point represents to me. What better place to learn about leadership? … Read more

The Myth of Work-Life Balance

After some discussions and reflections, we have come to the realization that the concept of work-life balance is flawed – in fact, it’s simply wrong. OK, so what’s wrong with it? First, it implies that work and life are distinct entities, as though we enter a different universe when we go to work every day, … Read more

The Balancing Act

It’s not about the number of hours you work, it’s about what you do with your time. Level Five leaders are experts at time management. That’s how they find time to support their families and friends, find time to exercise to stay in shape, pursue hobbies, enjoy vacations, support their communities, and at the same time, grow their business.