Trust and Empower

Team members in a high performing business want to be challenged, trusted, and treated with dignity and respect. It all boils down to building the right culture where folks are empowered to do what they do best without being micro-managed. Beware the urge to micromanage. There’s a significant difference between leading and micromanaging; that difference … Read more

No Easy Journey – Trust and Empower

In our experience, a leader who micro-manages a team is insecure. This is almost always the case with young and inexperienced leaders, but with practice and development, these leaders will mature and learn to give team members more and more autonomy and control. We recognize that leadership is a journey and we all develop our … Read more

Trust and Empower

Team members in a high performing business want to be challenged, trusted, and treated with dignity and respect. It all boils down to building the right culture where folks are empowered to do what they do best without being micro-managed. Beware the urge to micromanage. There’s a significant difference between leading and micromanaging; that difference … Read more

Disciplined Leadership: Begin Empowering Through Better Meetings

This is part of a series of blogs on the theme of ‘Disciplined Leadership.’ In the hybrid in-person/remote we currently live in, we are now expecting people to deliver results without them necessarily sitting around a table with us. It’s more important now than ever that we have a meeting discipline, which helps to empower … Read more

Speaking Last and the Nominative Group Technique

You may have encountered this situation before: you’re in a meeting, and the team leader seems to be using it as an opportunity to remind everyone who is running things, dominating the conversation and setting the agenda without any consultation. Maybe you haven’t been part of a situation quite as severe as that, but it … Read more