Leading Through “The Fear Factor”

I had an interesting conversation with a corporate executive earlier this week, where we were talking about what he kept referring to as “The Fear Factor.”  It seems throughout his career, he’s been exposed to otherwise outstanding colleagues and team members that lived every day in fear.  Fear of losing respect, fear of losing face, … Read more

Establishing a Climate of Openness

As we wrote in our last blog on creating a high performing culture, Harvard Business School professor Amy Edmondson established the concept that a climate of openness is one of the three main conditions for building an environment of “psychological safety” among teams. So how do you get there?

Practical Leadership Tools

We give you practical leadership tools to effect real, immediate change.  We’ll help you build your “leadership toolbox” full of proven methods to grow your leadership capabilities and mentor others.  The results?  Higher retention, better team satisfaction, higher productivity, more profitability – and a culture your competition can’t touch. Here’s what some of our clients … Read more

Defining a Great Culture

What really motivates your teammates? The answer is complex, but the Level Five leader would say that an organization’s culture must include dignity and respect at or close to the top of the list. Read on to understand what this means and how you might recognize it in your organization.